Past Events

Recap of Past Events 

Back to School Night, August 12: Parents and guardians met their students' teachers and learned about their upcoming year. Principal Dyerly kicked off the night in the MPR. Board member, Patty Holohan, and RUSD Superintendent Juan Cabral were in attendance.

PTA Association Meeting: PTA held its first Association Meeting of the year at the beginning of BTS Night. The new PTA President, Minh Ta-Dinh, presided. The Association approved and adopted the 2024-2025 programs and budget and released the funds to be spent. The 2023-2024 Year-End Financial Review report was approved. 

Kona Ice, August 12: Beat the Heat! Refreshing shaved ice was available for purchase outside Gate 2 after school. Kona donates 20% of sales back to Kimberly PTA.

Ice Cream Social, August 9: PTA treated families to ice cream sundaes and live music by the Marvels. What a great way to kick of the school year! New Cub families to our school and familiar faces had a blast. 

1st Day of School, August 7: There were lots of smiles as friends greeted each other with hugs on the first day of school. Families met up by Gate 2 after school to hang out with friends and grab a Kona Ice. 

TK/K Orientation, August 6: Our newest Cubs and their families met their teachers and saw their classrooms for the first time. TK/Kindergarten students and parents started out in the MPR at 11:00 a.m.. They were introduced to Principal Jennie Dyerly, the new AP Wendy McClung, the new PTA President Minh Ta-Dinh, and got a quick overview presented by Stephanie Paxman. Teachers were just as excited to meet you as you were to meet them!

Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon, August 5: PTA hosted a Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon for our amazing Kimberly teachers, principal, and front-office staff on Monday, August 5 in the MPR. They have been working so hard preparing their classrooms for the arrival of your Cubs, preparing the curriculum, and attending training.